Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Eve Torres

 Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Eve Torres

Beth Phoenix makes her way down to the ring, and Cole says there was an incident involving the Diva’s earlier today. It cuts to Kelly Kelly being interviewed for WWE.com about Eve’s chances tonight. Natalya interrupts, choking Kelly while the Bella’s and Phoenix look on. She’s pulled off by Eve who comes to Kelly’s rescue before it’s all broken up by officials.

Eve is out next, and she gets a little bit of a reaction from the crowd. Apparently, the new GM John Laurinatis has banned both Natalya and Kelly Kelly from ringside due to the confrontation earlier today.

The bell rings and the women are quick to lock up. Beth takes Eve into the corner and sits her on the top turnbuckle, but Eve is able to fight back, coming off the top and rolling Beth up in a sunset flip for a two count. Beth sends Eve into the ropes and takes her down to the mat hard. Beth tries to wear down Eve, but Eve is quick to get back to her feet and kick away at Beth’s legs. Beth hits Eve with a couple of stiff forearms, but she’s caught off guard by an enzugiri from Eve.

Eve uses Beth’s outfit to tie her up in the ropes and kick away at her backside. Phoenix is able to get free and she goes to the outside. Eve comes toward Phoenix but Beth sweeps her feet out from under her. Beth gets Eve in gorilla press position and walks her over to the barricade, sending her crashing into it chest first. Beth slams Eve into the ring apron before dragging her into the ring for another two count. Beth locks in a modified rear chin lock but Eve won’t quit.

Eve starts to fight out of it, but Beth shoulders her, and drops down to her knees, causing pain to Eve’s midsection. Beth locks in a body scissors, all the while slapping at Eve’s head and screaming for her to cry. Eve is able to fight out of the hold and she mounts Beth, raining down punches. Both women get up to their feet and Eve hits Beth with a couple of big kicks before taking her down with a clothesline and hitting a pretty cool standing flipping senton for another two count. Beth reverses an Irish whip, but then runs right into a back elbow from Eve. Eve wraps her legs around Beth’s shoulders and locks in a super-weird looking submission hold focusing on Beth’s neck and shoulders.

Beth is able to get to the ropes to force Eve to break the hold. Beth goes out to the apron and Eve, who’s standing on the inside, takes her to the corner to slam her head into the turnbuckle. Beth is able to surprise Eve by snapping her arm on the top ring rope. Beth comes back in and tries for the glam slam, but Eve reverses and sends Beth into the ropes. Eve rolls up Beth for two. Eve goes to the corner and hits Beth with a big kick to the side of the head. Eve goes to the top and tries for a moonsault but Beth moves and Eve crashes to the mat. Beth connects with the glam slam, and get the three count.

  Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Eve Torres
 Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Eve Torres
Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix

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